Fishing in 2020 has definitely brought new meaning and purpose. Thankfully the light tackle striped bass fishing has been remarkable. Being outdoors and enjoying the nature and wildlife, in my opinion, has never been more essential than this season. Covid-19 has brought so much uncertainty, strife, controversy, and fear. Fishing brings just the opposite. Fishing is the perfect remedy to let go of all that you see on the news, arguments with friends and family, and worry about social distancing. For striped bass fishing on Martha's Vineyard, well I have learned to let go of "catching the big one" and catch what is around. I am please to see the Massachusetts take a step in the right direction to practice conservation, but it is way too little and we find ourselves repeating past mistakes of 25-30 years ago. So for striped bass anglers we move to downsizing our tackle, going to single hooks on our lures, and practice proper catch and release. What I will say to you. What are you waiting for? Get outside and go fishing. If you are on Martha's Vineyard or visiting our shores, please contact me and I will be happy to take you out and provide you an experience of Martha's Vineyard fishing like no other. You will not be disappointed whether we catch 20 fish, 1 or none. You will end our trip relaxed, smiling and ready to take on your daily life.